Crystals and gemstones have become popularized in new age spirituality for there meditative properties, but have actually been used for thousands of years for their apparent healing capabilities.
Whether you believe in them or not, they have been used and credited for centuries to have healing qualities passed through the minerals that formed for centuries in the earth.
Practitioners believe to keep them nearby, or hold them during meditative practises such as yoga or deep breathing. Healing crystals can also be worn as jewellery or fashion items too.
Have you ever wondered which crystals best pair with your personality type? If you're a libra and love gemstones, this Libra Crystals guide is for you.
If you want to effectively cleanse crystals, there are many different options to choose from. Keep reading to learn how to cleanse crystals the right way.
Emotional trauma plays a significant role in how we experience our waking lives. Here is our list of the Top 10 Best Crystals for Emotional Healing that can help.